We already have the results from your feedback! Thanks for all your comments!
Update 2: The place changed! We will be in the Domaschk Lecture Hall, August Bebel Straße 4. Here’s the map: link-to-google-maps (in walking distance to city center)
Update 1: Due to several requests and to allow for a better planning, please indicate your interest in participation via this form (same as at the end of page).

Impressed by deep learning results?
(e.g., AlphaGo, GoogleCars, FSU-BirdRecognition, …)
Not afraid of using toolboxes?
Want to know more about it?
Applications, software, hands-on tutorial,
and more!
For group leaders, PostDocs, PhDs, and students!
The audience will have a diverse background, hence, the tutorial will stay in shallow waters and focus on two parts:
Part 1 – Overview on Deep Learning and its Applications (morning session)
- General Overview on Machine Learning and Deep Learning
- Showcases, Applications, and Live-demos
- Practical Issues to Consider
In essence: demystifying the deep learning hype, showing what deep learning can achieve especially for visual recognition
Part 2 – Details and Hands-on (afternoon session)
- Theory background
- Hands-on tutorial
- Summary (content and software)
In essence: explaining the basic concepts of deep neural networks as well as the available software that can be used
Thursday, 6th of October 2016, 9:00 am – 3:00 pm
Domaschk Lecture Hall, August Bebel Straße 4
Map: https://goo.gl/maps/
What to bring along?
We promised a hands-on tutorial and will therefore show lots of demos on our laptops. Bringing your own laptop is not essential. However, we will also provide WiFi access for all visitors.
What else?
If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to write us an email.