The IMPRS-gBGC in cooperation with the Friedrich Schiller University Jena and the Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry promote a research program offering PhD positions in global biogeochemistry and related Earth System sciences. Members from the MSCJ are involved in this research school as PhD supervisors in projects that can be encompassed under the common research topic ‘Machine Learning and modeling for Earth System Science’. Some of the current projects where MSCJ members are involved are:

  • Control on global vegetation distribution and dynamics
  • Machine learning for 3D point cloud analysis
  • Deep learning for identifying dynamic memory and spatial context  effects in Earth Observations
  • Novel approaches to spatio-temporal trend detection in environmental data
  • Ecological process understanding across time-scales
  • Ecohydrology from space
  • Investigating land-atmosphere interactions in space and time as complex networks